LOKD College


লোকনায়ক অমিয় কুমাৰ দাস মহাবিদ্যালয়


(Established - 1970)

Dhekiajuli - Sonitpur - Assam

Phone: 03712-244231

Department of Chemistry


About the Department:

  • Established in the year 1992 with HS classes
  • Introduced Chemistry as General Course in UG (TDC) Course in the year 1994
  • Introduced CBCS with Honors Course in the year 2019

Vision of the Department:

The Department seeks to be recognized as the best with acknowledged excellence in teaching, and outreach.

Mission of the Department:

The mission of the department is to provide a healthy scientific environment to impart better knowledge of chemical sciences among surrounding rural students who by their scientific knowledge and skills would work for the benefit of humanity.



Chemistry Department

Estd: 08-04-1999
H.o.D: Prof. Pitambar Sedai
Degree offered in: Chemistry
Faculty Strength: 03
Student Strength: 148
Dept. Library: Yes
Dept. Lab: Yes


Data not available

Teaching Staff

Pitambar Sedai, Ph.D, M.Sc.

Assistant Professor

Specialization: Organic Chemistry
DOJ: 24-02-1997
Phone: +91-98542-01353

Premada Kalita, Ph.D, M.Sc.

Assistant Professor

Specialization: N/A
DOJ: 12-04-2006
Email: edu@lokdcollege.in
Phone: 2147483647

Mr. Saurav Sen, M.Sc.

Assistant Professor

Specialization: Physical Chemistry
DOJ: 21-08-2017
Phone: +91- 86387-67112

Lab Bearer

Mr. Kamal Mochahary

Lab Bearer

DOJ: 02-03-1998

Research Activities

No. of Minor Research Project - 02 No. of Minor Research Project - 02

Name of the facultyTitle of the ProjectDate of sanction and durationFunding agencyTotal grant receivedStatus (Completed/Ongoing)
Dr. Pitambar SedaiFuelwood Characteristics of Some Indigenous Tree Species of Arunachal Pradesh10/03/2011
1.5 years
UGCRs.1,05,000/-Completed in 2013
Dr. Premada KalitaTrace Metal Composition Of Major Food Items With Special Reference To Status Of Iron, Zinc And Copper31/03/2009
1.5 years
UGCRs. 1,50,000/-Completed
In 2011

Student Enrolment Profile & Result

Departmental Publications:

No. of article in peer-reviewed journalNational / InternationalNo. of articles in edited booksNo. of articles in edited books
06National- 03

Departmental Activities

  • Parent-Teacher Meet on 21/11/2017
  • Organized a seminar on the occasion of National Science Day
    Topic: “Environmental Issues and Health Hazard” (28/02/2018)
    Resource person- Dr. Nayanmoni Gogoi- Asstt. Prof. Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University
  • Teachers Day Celebration (05/09/2019)
  • Organized an educational tour to Kaziranga University (23/10/2019)
  • Parent-Teacher meet (23/12/2020)
  • Organized field visit to Bhairabkunda, Udalguri district (19/01/2021)
  • Organized a national webinar on the topic ‘Climate change: Adaptation and developing resilience in third world countries’ (22/09/2021)
  • Organized an environmental awareness rally (03/11/2021)

To view photos on a few Departmental Activities, click the button "View Photos"

Student Activities

  • Three students from the department attended the Summer Training on “Water Technologies” from 1st June to 15th July 2018 Organized by DRL, Tezpur
  • Participated in cultural rally on the occasion of College week (04/02/2020)
  • Presented science model on the occasion of National Science Day (28/02/2020)
  • Students presented poster and participated in quiz competition on the occasion of National Science Day (27/02/2021)

To view photos on a few Student Activities, click the button "View Photos"