Distant Education
A Study Centre of the Institute of Distance and Open Learning (IDOL) Gauhati University, formerly known as PGCS, GU was opened in the year 2003. The students who due to limited number of seats in TDC and Post Graduate classes or for other reasons could not enroll themselves in the conventional system of the University may enroll themselves as a learner of GU through this study centre. The centre of lDOL, GU also strives to provide an opportunity to those, who missed the earlier opportunity to pursue their higher education.
Programmes offered by the IDOL(GU) are as follows:
B.A (General/ Pass course)
M.A. in Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, English,
History, Philosophy, Political Science, Education
M.A./M.Sc. in Economics &Mathematics.
M. Com.
MCJ (Master of Communication & Journalism)
PG Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management
PG Diploma in Human Resource Management
PG Diploma in Business Management
PG Diploma in Financial Management
PG Diploma in Banking & Financial Services
PG Diploma in Insurance & Risk Management
PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication
Eligible candidates may directly contact Dr. H. P. Baruah, Coordinator, L.O.K.D. College IDOL Study Centre along with original testimonials for SPOT ADMISSION.
Contact no: 03712-244460 (O)
Email: lokdcollegeidol@gmail.com
LOKD College Study Centre
At present the Study Centre offers the following Bachelor Degree programmes:
- Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) – Pass Course & Major
- Bachelor of Mass Communication (B.M.C.)
- Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
- Bachelor of Business Administration
Following are the Master Degree programmes:
- Assamese
- English
- Education
- Political Science
- Sociology
- Economics
- Commerce (M.Com)
Following are the Diploma programmes: Course Duration – 1Year
- Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (DJMC)
- Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCWE)
- Diploma in Library & Information Science (DLIS)
At present the Centre offers Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (DJMC), Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCWE), Diploma in Library and Information Science (DLIS), Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) & M.A. in Sociology in future other Diploma and Certificate courses in Professional and Vocational areas will be offered. to be notified from time to time. Eligible candidates may directly contact Mr. Prince Bhuyan, Coordinator L.O.K.D. College KKHSOU Study Centre along with original testimonials for SPOT ADMISSION.
Contact number: 9854117065
Email: kkhsoulokd@gmail.com