LOKD College


লোকনায়ক অমিয় কুমাৰ দাস মহাবিদ্যালয়


(Established - 1970)

Dhekiajuli - Sonitpur - Assam

Phone: 03712-244231

Mukut Ch. Baruah

Department of Political Science

Mukut Ch. Baruah

Assistant Professor

In Gist:


Designation : Assistant Professor

Department: Political Science

Date of Joining:  27-09-2012

Academic Qualification :

M.Phil  from Gauhati University (2010)

M.A. in Political Science(Specialization H.R.) from G.U. ( 2006)

Area of Specialization : Human Rights

Additional Qualification:

NET/SLET/SET qualified (Conducted by UGC/CSIR ,2009)

NET – Dec, 2008 Roll No. 2000330

Courses Taught :

  1. Non CBCS : B.A.  Major
  2. CBCS : B.A. Honours


  1. Mobile: +91-99547-34221
  2. Email: edu@lokdcollege.in

Orientation Programmes:

  1. HRDC, GU, OP110 (19th January – 15 February 2016, A grade)

Extension, Co- curricular & field based Activities

  1. Field Survey on election. (Pre & Post), 2006 / 2009, NES

Other Activities:

  1. Sub editor in the book titled “Reflections”, ISBN 978-81-932883-5-1, 2017
  2. Member of the proceeding “Issues and Challenges of sustainable developmentISBN 978-81-978 326-9-2
  3. Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Science, Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, March 4-9-2013.
  4. Assam Civil Service Examination passed in 2013 conducted by Assam Public Service Commission, Guwahati, Assam.

Any other activities of Importance:

  1. Assistant Officer in charge – B.A. B.Sc. 6th Semester examination.
  2. Assistant Zonal Officer of B.Com 3rd Semester exam 2016
  3. Worked as Career Councelor in the meeting organized by Naharbari Anchalik Bodo Sahitya Sabha, 2014.
  4. Worked as a subject expert in the selection of subject teacher in the Borchala H.S School in 2014.
  5. Delivered lecture on Present Society and Baisagu at Bapuji Bhaban, thelamara organized by Thelamara Dakhara Dularai Boro Farisa Afad, 6th May 2017.
  6. Circle Level Master Trainer (Resource Person) on DISASTER MANAGEMENT to VLMCC (Village Land Management and Conservation Committee) under Assam State Disaster Management in the Dhekiajuli Circle in 2017.
  7. Assistant officer in-charge of Degree 6th semester examination, June, 2014
  8. Zonal Officer of B.Com 3rd semester examination,  Feb, 2017
  9. Assistant Officer in-charge (confidential) of degree 4th semester examination May, 2017
  10. Examiner of HS Final examinations since 2013.
  11. Working as an invigilator and Scrutinizer of HS and degree examinations from 2012.


U.G.C sponsored National Seminars:

  1. Title of Paper: “The Koch-Rajbongshi Movement: The identity issues, with reference to Darrang district
    Organizer: Suren Das College, Hajo, Assam
    Year: 2011
  2. Title of Paper: “Gender discrimination and Patriarchy in North-East India: With reference to the Electoral Politics in Assam.”
    Organizer: Nalbari Commerce College, Nalbari, Assam
    Year: 2011
  3. Title of Paper: “The demand of separate Kamatapur state.”
    Organizer: L.C.B College, Guwahati
    Year: 2011
  4. Title of Paper: “Emancipation of Women and Human Rights with special reference to the electoral politics in Assam.”
    Organizer: Bikali College, Goalpara, Assam
    Year: 2011
  5. Title of Paper: “Gender discrimination: With reference to the 2011 Assembly election in Assam.”
    Organizer: North Guwahati College, Assam
    Year: 2011
  6. Title of Paper: “Political Participation of Women in Rural Areas, With reference to the Electoral Politics in Assam.”
    Organizer: M.N.C College, Nalbari, Assam
    Year: 2011
  7. Title of Paper: “The Impact of Corruption in India: With reference to the Electoral Politics in Assam.”
    Organizer: B.H.B College, Barpeta, Assam
    Year: 2012
  8. Title of Paper: “Identity Crisis of Women in the light of Election.”
    Organizer: Harhi College, Lakhimpur, Assam
    Year: 2012
  9. Title of Paper: “Mritunjoy Upanyakhat Pratifalita Swadhinatakami Sakalar majot Sristi hoa Adarshgata Sanghat: Eti Bislekhan.”
    Organizer: L.O.K.D College, Sonitpur, Assam
    Year: 2013
  10. Title of Paper: “Women and Environment: With reference to the Chipko Movement.”
    Organizer: L.O.K.D College, Sonitpur, Assam
    Year: 2013
  11. Title of Paper: “Political Participation of Women in Lok Sabha Election: With reference to Assam.”
    Organizer: L.O.K.D College, Sonitpur, Assam
    Year: 2014
  12. Participant
    Organizer: Bodo Department Teachers’ Association, GU
    Year: 2014
  13. Participant
    Seminar on Indian Muslim in Freedom Struggle
    Organizer: Kharupetia College, Darrang, Assam
    Year: 2016
  14. Title of Paper: “The problem of immigration in Assam.”
    Organizer: Rangapara College, Sonitpur, Assam
    Year: 2016
  15. Title of Paper: “Reflection of the conflict of Tribal life in the novel ‘Bharanda Pakhir Jaak‘”
    Organizer: Rangapara College, Sonitpur, Assam
    Year: 2017
  16. Title of Paper: “Trafficking of Girl: A curse of human society
    Organizer: T.H.B College, Sonitpur, Assam
    Year: 2019


  1. Title: “The Koch-Rajbongshi Movement:The identity issues, with reference to Darrang district
    Ethnic Conflict and identity crisis in North East India
  2. Title: “Gender discrimination and Patriarchy in North-East India: With reference to the Electoral Politics in Assam
    Human Rights Education; Its importance in the context of growing social unrest
  3. Title: “Women and Human Rights with reference to the Electoral Politics in Assam
    Women and Human rights
  4. Title: “The Impact of Corruption in India: With reference to the Electoral Politics in Assam
  5. Title: “Electoral Participation of Women: A brief Analysis
  6. Title: “Women and Environment: With reference to the Chipko Movement
    Issues and Challenges of Sustainable Development
  7. Title: “Mritunjoy Upanyakhat Pratifalita Swadhinatakami Sakalar majot Sristi hoa Adarshgata Sanghat: Eti Bislekhan
    Diversity of conflicts in post war Indian Fiction
  8. Title: “Political Participation of Women in Lok Sabha Election: With reference to Assam
    Empowering Women workers in North-East India: Challenges of influx and exodus
  9. Title: “Women Representatives in the Legislative Assembly (2001-2011)
  10. Title: “Assembly Elections in Assam: A Gender Perspective” [PDF]
  11. Title: “Women’s Movement for Political Representation in India”
  12. Title: “Election in the digital age”  [PDF]
    Issues in Social Sciences
  13. Title: “Rajnoitik Patabhumit Rachita Dr. Bhupen Hazarikar Gitsamuhar ek chamu bislekhan


  1. Title of Paper: “The Women’s Suffrage Movement in India”
    Journal: Golden Research Thought, Year: 2012
    Page No: 22 – 24
    ISSN: 2231-5063
  2. Title of Paper: “Political Participation of Women in Rural Areas
    Journal: Indian Streams Research Journal, Year: 2012
    Page No: 45 – 46
    ISSN: 2230-7850
  3. Title of Paper: “Women and Human Rights With reference to the Electoral Politics in Assam
    Journal: Dristibhangi: the perspective, Year: 2012
    Page No: 265 – 272
    ISSN: 2278-5892
  4. Title of Paper: “Gandhi on Women’s Emancipation
    Journal: Dristibhangi: the perspective, Year: 2013
    Page No: 306 – 312
    ISSN: 2278-5892
  5. Title of Paper: “Gender and Elections: With reference to the 2011 Assembly Election, Assam
    Journal: ACCESS,AJANTA, Year: 2014
    Page No: 39 – 45
    ISSN: 2394-1596
  6. Title of Paper: “Political Party and Election
    Journal: ACCESS, Year: 2015
    Page No: 20 – 23
    ISSN: 2394-1596
  7. Title of Paper: “Marginal Role of Women in Electoral Politics: An analysis of the assembly elections in Assam
    Journal: Peer Reviewed Referred and UGC Listed Journal (Journal No. 40776), Year: 2019
    Page No: 20 – 23
    ISSN: 2277-5730
  8. Title of Paper: “Representation of Women in Assembly Elections in Assam
    Journal: CLIO, UGC Care Journal, Impact factor 5.60, Year: June,2020
    Page No: 10 – 13