“The women cell is striving for the welfare of the women community of the college and the nearby locality providing aid in distress, guidance in social problems and fighting for the upliftment of women“
Established on: 2004
Present Convenor: Dr. Seema Sarkar
LOKD College teaching faculty comprises a large number of Lady Teachers and thus the organizational entity called the “Women Cell” came into being in the year 2004.
Since its inception, the Women Cell has been shouldering the responsibility of different academic and social activities extending the role beyond the boundaries of this college.
Till now, Dr. Jyotshna Baruah, Pallavi Baruah, Dr. Dalima Kakati, Dr. Prabina Sarmah and Dr. Anjana Borah has served as the convenor of the Women Cell of the college. Two National Level seminars have been conducted under the aegis of the women cell. So far, the Women Cell of the college has two International Publications to its credit.
The two National Level seminars conducted by Women Cell analyzed issues on Women Trafficking and Exodus & Influence of Women workers. The first Seminar was convened by Pallavi Baruah and Rizoo Dutta Gogoi and the second one by Pallavi Baruah.
Besides this, another seminar entitled “Women & Health” was conducted by the Cell convened by Dr. Jyotshna Baruah . Recently, a two day workshop on the Patriotic Songs by Ambikagiri Ray Choudhury, was convened by Dr. Prabina Sarmah and the workshop turned out to be a big success. Jugabrata Dutta, the daughter of Ambikagiri Ray Choudhury was the resource person for the workshop.
Apart from this a host of other activities such as field survey among Tea Garden workers and annual women’s day celebration and many relief activities are performed under the women cell every year. On the occasion of Women’s Day on 8th March, 2018 a health camp has been organized at Ulubari High School in association with Directorate of Health Services, Assam and Assam Rifles. In that camp approx. 900 villagers were given free health check up and medicines. It was a great success going by the number of villagers who attended the camp. The School authority provided all kinds of help and cooperation.