LOKD College


লোকনায়ক অমিয় কুমাৰ দাস মহাবিদ্যালয়


(Established - 1970)

Dhekiajuli - Sonitpur - Assam

Phone: 03712-244231

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

The institution accords utmost priority towards ensuring a healthy academic and working environment for all. Grievance redressal mechanism is integral to the overall functioning of the institution. All sorts of grievances whether it is from the students, teaching and non-teaching staff the mechanism has been envisaged in such a manner as to address all issues related to it in a time bound framework and proper forum.

The existing mechanism is a layered system in tune with the mission of the institution.

It is clearly stated and formulated as per the Government guidelines.

A Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell functions towards making students aware of what constitutes such kind of Harassment. It is an eight-member cell headed by a convener. It is easily accessible for the students.

There exists an Internal Complaint committee and government guideline is strictly adhered to in the composition of the committee. Headed by a chairperson of the designation of Associate Professor it comprises of teaching, non-teaching and student members.

Anyone from the institution can formally approach the committee for redressal of major issues. This committee sits time to time and take appraisal of the prevailing environment pertaining to grievances.

There exists an Anti Ragging Committee to deal with such issues.

There is a separate grievance redressal cell mostly dealing with student’s examination related grievances.

In the structure of the system, it is maintained that procedural part is given due importance.

Mentors and teachers also play a significant role in operating the system. For instance, student’s grievances related to academics, they can bring the matter to the notice of the mentor or any teacher and accordingly they are guided to follow the appropriate step.

Students can also bring it to the notice of the Head of the institution through application and HOI discuss the matter in proper forum for taking measures.

For major grievances including issues coming under the purview of sexual harassment the ICC is empowered to deal with such issues as per Govt guideline. The ICC includes a legal adviser as member for guidance if any such occurrence may require it.

In the existing mechanism there is also a provision of Complaint Box that can be utilised.

Sometimes Student Union of the institution also play an important role in bringing grievances directly to the authority, which are generally collective issues for redressal.

List of Officers with contact nos. to deal with grievances:

SLCommitteeNameDesignationContact No.
1Sexual Harassment Redressal CellDr. Manju Lata AdhikariConvener9954059835
2Internal Complaint CommitteeDr. Anjana BoraPresiding Officer9435782455
3Grievances Redressal CellPrincipal, LOKD CollegePresident03712-244231, 700227812
4Anti Ragging CommitteeReezoo Dutta GogoiConvener7896543998

Reports of Activities carried out by various committees engaged in redressal of grievances

Internal Complain Committee

Internal Complaint Committee formed on dated 01-12-2017
The members of the committee are as follows:

1Dr. Anjana Borah Presiding Officer
2Dr. Dalima KakotiSenior Faculty Member
3Dr. Mohuya ChatterjeeSenior Faculty Member
4Kukil Bharali Non-Teaching Member
5Deepali RautNon-Teaching Membe
6Nayan Jyoti Nath (18A018) Student Member
7Chandana Das (18A309)Student Member
8Kaushiki Tarafdaar (18A259)Student Member
9Barnali Sarmah BaruahNGO Member

Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell

The members of the committee are as follows:

1Dr. Sukdev AdhikariPrincipal
2Pallavi BaruahVice-Principal
3Dr. Manju Lata AdhikariCoordinator
4Dr. Jyotshna BaruahMember
5Dr. Prabina SarmahMember
6Bharat Jyoti BaruahMember
7Dr. Seema SarkaMember
8Pradip SaikiaMember
9Dr. Premada KalitaMember
10Bhuban Ch. BaruaMember (Legal Advisor)
11Deeksha MazumdarStudent Member

Purchase Committee

The members of the committee are as follows:

1Chair personPrincipal
2CoordinatorBipul Sarmah
3Pallavi BaruahMember
4Hemanta Kr. BaruahMember
5Kukil Kr. BharaliMember